GOTOMEETING - Outlook plug-in error (We Apologize...)

If you get the error below after installing or re-installing the GoToMeeting Outlook add-in, Please see solution below.


We apologize, but and error has occurred while processing your request. Please try again.

For support, please contact Global Customer Support.


Can you please check the following:

  1. Log in here.
  2. Click Settings at the top of the page or on the left if you are in the Hub.
  3. If Use my own conference call service is selected, make sure it's not blank or choose Use computer audio.
  4. Click Save

In Outlook

  1. Lookk on the top of Outlook there are tabs, go to the last tab on the right called ADD-INS and click GoToMeeting Settings
  2. Click Sign out
  3. Confirm your sign out
  4. Click Sign in
  5. Enter your email address and account password
  6. Click Sign in